Hindus under attack?

Kapil’s Khichadi

Follow me on Twitter: @kk_OEG

Hindus under attack?


People tend to talk of conspiracy theories; some of these make sense whilst others tend to challenge our current world view.  I am not into conspiracy theories but believe having a look at various pieces of a jigsaw to see the bigger picture.  We may not fully get the image right and it might probably not be in full focus either, however the impression gained from such an exercise can be very enlightening for those who wish to see the light.

So let me start with what you might recall were ‘anti-modi’ events supported by some Labour MPs in the House of Commons in the Spring of 2014.  The ‘Avaaz’ report released at that time was not only anti-modi, but it also felt very much anti-Hindu.  There was also an attack on some of our well known institutions such as RSS, HSS, VHP, NHSF and Seva Int. (and get ready for more such attacks).  I brought this to everyone’s attention at the time and also asked Ed Miliband for clarification – of course none came.

During this period we witnessed one of the most treacherous acts by a political party against the Hindu community – yes, the Labour Party stabbed us in the back on the Lord Harries caste amendment.  Remember they did not have to support the amendment.  Most Hindu organisations told them to step back, but they took a decision to go against the wishes of the Hindu community.  This year the British Courts have now concluded that the legislation that existed previously was more than adequate, and such an amendment on caste was not required.  i.e. Exactly what we had told the Labour Party.  So one has to wonder why Ed Miliband took such a stance that was so obviously anti-Hindu.

More recently the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has been in a crusade against David Cameron and the Tory Party.  Talk about religion not getting into the political space just before an election, yet the good Archbishop broke all tradition and is giving a very one-sided rhetoric which many independent observers feel is designed to support Ed Miliband and the Labour Party.  Now that’s a turn up for the books, who would have thought of that?

It could be the case that there is no correlation between the Labour Party supporting the Lord Harries (Ex Bishop by the way!) caste amendment and the sudden overt attack by the Church on the Tory Party.   However I was reading the annual report of VODI (Voice of Dalit International) and discovered that they had been in discussions with Lambeth Palace over the caste legislation and it seems the Church was in line with such expectations.  If you doubt this, then go to the Charity Commission website and download their latest report and read it for yourself.

Just as startling is news that a large proportion of the Christian community are poised to vote for Labour.  Yes you did read that correctly.  A survey of evangelical Christians showed that whilst there was a spread of voting patterns, some 31% will be voting for Labour (a large increase from 2010).   There will be a significant reduction of those voting for the Tory Party as a consequence.  So evangelism, which is seen by many as a means of ‘compassionate’ conversion, also happens to be tied into a voting pattern that supports Labour, the political party that wanted the caste amendment which is exactly what some of the Christian groups wanted.  Now is that coincidence? Or is it by design?

So now we have several more pieces of this intriguing jigsaw.  We have got the Church that seems to be supportive of the caste amendment; we have got organisations that are involved in conversions of Hindus to Christianity also in this band of merry men.  And then you have got the Labour Party that stabs the Hindus in the back and supports such an erroneous piece of legislation on caste.

What we have witnessed in the last few years is something that resembles a systematic attack on Hindus.  Piece by piece, known and unknown forces are chipping away at the very foundations of our Dharma.  And whilst this is taking place, we have got many in our community, so called leaders, people who are connected very well to political parties, and those who are contributing large sums to these parties, who are either totally ignorant of what is happening right in front of their noses.  Or they have chosen to turn a blind eye to secure some sort of political privilege.

Over the past several decades I have observed that there is no limit to how far some of these well funded vested groups will go to achieve their aims.  They have powerful connections in very powerful positions.  It says to me that the very nature of some of our political parties has changed.  They are no longer what they used to be many decades ago.  Therefore when it comes to GE2015, it is now important, nay vital, that our community begins to appreciate who their friends are, and to avoid the wolves that come to us in sheep’s clothing.

It is time to see the wood for the trees.  When you have a political party that seems to be anti-modi, anti-Hindu and takes part in supporting legislation that is also anti-Hindu, what does that tell you about them?  The writing is on the wall, all you have to do is read it and take the right course of action.

Is Labour going Sharia?

Kapil’s Khichadi

Follow me on Twitter: @kk_OEG


Is Labour going Sharia?




Astute readers of Kapil’s Khichadi will know that for the past several years I have been looking into the Labour Party strategy of winning the next election.  The more I looked the more concerned I became, or at least these are my observations for what they are worth.

So let’s set the scene.  For reasons beyond our understanding it was the Labour Party that introduced the diplomatic ban on CM Narendra Modi.  A few of us asked serious questions at the time of both the Labour Government here, as well as the Congress Government in India. It was the first time a democratically elected politician was disrespected in this way in the absence of any verifiable evidence.  So far there has not been even one court case that has shown that Shri Narendrabhai had any direct involvement with what happened in Gujarat in 2002 and yet the ban came into force.

In the past few years I have been very vocal in asking Ed Miliband to give written clarity on Labour’s stance on Shri Narendrabhai Modi.  He has still to answer my questions.  However just before the Indian elections some Labour MPs held anti-Modi events at the House of Commons.  And Ed Miliband did nothing about it.  We even had one of Labour Party’s big donors, Anish Kapoor, come on Newsnight and brand Shri Narendrabhai Modi a mass murderer, and still no comment from Ed Miliband.

And then the nightmare situation for Labour, Shri Narendrabhai Modi became the PM of India with a massive majority.  And even then Ed Miliband was very slow to send his congratulations.

So why is Labour behaving in this way?  Look at the table below:

Top 20 Muslim Seats1

It shows the top twenty seats where there is a sizeable Muslim population.  In fact it also includes estimation on how many Mosques there are within the catchment area of each seat.

So you can see that some 49 Labour seats are dependent on the Muslim vote.  In fact quite a number of them are dependent on the Pakistani Kashmiri vote.  Yes it begins to make sense now.  No wonder Labour and some of their MPs, as well as their junior Minister, were so keen to be on the side of the Pakistani Kashmiri separatist during the recent debate in Parliament.

In a recent answer Roger Godsiff MP for Hall Green said, ‘I have consistently supported the right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to determine their own future and to decide how they shall be governed, and who should govern them’.  We then had Shadow Minister Shabana Mahmood saying she will highlight Kashmir issue within Party and outside in masses to defend the right of self-determination of Kashmiri people. “We will jointly struggle for giving Kashmiris a chance to exercise their internationally recognized right of self-determination with the party”.  She said women leaders of SDM (Self-Determination Movement) are playing vital role to highlight Kashmir issue and get across the board support for Kashmir cause. “We hope in upcoming general election there would be a good number of Friends of Kashmir Parliamentarians in British Parliament who can effectively support Kashmir cause”, she opined.

So there you have it directly from the horse’s mouth that should Labour win the next General Election then one of their top priorities will be to see the Pakistani Kashmiri separatist get their way.  Is this what you the Indian community want?

Why am I bringing these issues to your attention?  Very simply you are the voting public.  You have placed your trust in various politicians as well as community leaders for many years.  Based on this trust the Indian community has tended to vote for the Labour Party mostly.  However the question you must all ask now is, ‘has the Labour Party changed so much, that it no longer speaks for our community?’

For me it is clear, the Party under the leadership of Ed Miliband seems to have decided to go left of centre in a big way, and to also become very closely engaged with the Pakistani community.  This is of course their prerogative and they must do what they feel is right for them in order to get back in power.  After all, that is what politics is all about.  However as a community we must have our own objectives.  I cannot believe that a Party that is so close to the Pakistani community can ever now find favour for the Indian community.  The examples I have cited above shows a pro-Pakistani stance.  If this is what Ed’s Party are willing to do before an election, I wonder what else they will want to do if they were ever to get back in power.

So I say to you all, look into the finer detail of how politicians say one thing and do another.  Question those in our own community who may be misleading all of us because they have their own political masters to whom they have allegiance.  If we as a community don’t wake up and see the wood for the trees – then the writing on the wall is clear, and it will come back and bite us all.  You heard it here first folks.

Jai Ho – Gujarat

Kapil’s Khichadi

Follow me on Twitter: @kdudakia


On 1st May I attended a function at the House of Commons (HoC) to celebrate the 54th Anniversary of Gujarat Foundation Day.  The event was organised by the National Congress of Gujarati Organisations (NCGO) and hosted by the dynamic Gujarati Conservative MP, Priti Patel.

As always when attending such events you have the wonderful opportunity of meeting many friends from all corners of the UK.  I have to say I was impressed with the speech given by Priti Patel, she skilfully balanced her ancestral bonds with Gujarat and India, with the opportunities afforded to us in Great Britain.  As the official Government Champion for the Indian Diaspora she is well equipped to look after our interest and also promote aspects that would benefit the ties that bind the UK to India.

Following on from Priti was none other than our own Alpesh Patel.  Alpesh does not need any introductions. Nursing a sore throat he walked to the podium with great determination.  You could sense that within his very essence, this son of Gujarat was going to explode with pride overflowing of his ancestral roots.  We were not disappointed.  He told the audience in no uncertain terms that enough is enough.  The time had come for Gujaratis to rise up and take their rightful place in society.  Gujaratis have been at the very forefront of fighting for freedom from tyranny, dictatorships, empires and enslavement.  Recent history shows that it was two Gujaratis who stood up to the great and mighty British Raj and bring it to its knees.  Gujaratis helped proactively to give birth to the biggest and most comprehensive democracy in the world that is now known as India.  And whilst we are the product of that lineage, why on earth should we ever be apologetic of our successes in the world?  With resounding applause from the audience he concluded as defiantly as he had started.  The lion of Gujarat roared in Alpesh, as it has doing in me for many years – it is now time that it roared in the whole Gujarati community.

The event had its low points also, but let’s say it might be better to put those to one side for the time being.  I am sure the organisers will reflect whether some of the items on the programme did any justice to the integrity of Gujarat Foundation Day.

Whilst the celebrations were taking place word came to me that Labour MP Mike Wood had insulted the Gujarati community in the UK (and India) by hosting an event in the HoC which appears to have been used to spread anti Narendra Modi propaganda. The meeting, in Committee Room 14, even charged attendees £2 for a book entitled, ‘Narendra Modi Exposed, Challenging the Myths Surrounding the BJP’s Prime Ministerial Candidate‘.  I ask all Gujarati’s – are you going to allow any Labour MP to facilitate such extremists so they can show disrespect to us on the very day we celebrate our Gujarat Day?  I call upon Ed Miliband to denounce these extremists who in exhibiting anti-modi sentiments are also at the same time showing such disrespect to Hindus and Gujarati’s in the UK.

In Kapil’s Khichadi I had previously raised these issues openly so the leader of the Labour Party would be well informed and hopefully take the right course of action.  Let me remind you, we were let down on the Caste issue and the Lord Harries amendment.  Since then on 26th February some Labour MP’s including John McDonnell hosted Awaaz and the TMG-UK at the HoC where some people openly expressed anti-modi and anti-Hindu sentiments.  And now on Gujarat Day itself, we have yet again seen another Labour MP willing to undermine and disrespect the next Prime Minister of India.  These MPs have full right to conduct themselves in any way they so choose.  However with such behaviour they must also face the consequences.  And I hope Hindus and Gujaratis will now wake up and smell the coffee.  It is time each and every one of you understood your personal responsibility to your ancestors, your faith, your community and your family.  Blind allegiance is but for the fools in society.  Do not allow your apathy to destroy the honour of your heritage; your children will never forgive you.

News coming in from India suggests that Narendrabhai Modi will indeed take the BJP and its partners to a victory in the Indian elections.  The hopes and aspirations of all Indians rests with him becoming the Prime Minister and taking India forward on an upward trajectory, with honour, integrity and pride in the nation and its people.  The anti-Modi western politicians and media have done everything to destroy him and it seems they have all failed.  The role of these rogue agents who have steadfastly plotted to undermine Narendrabhai no doubt will not be forgotten.  I am just glad that Britain with David Cameron was the first in 2010 to engage purposefully with Gujarat.  This will bode well for us in the UK and no doubt the engagement between our two countries will increase significantly.  Jai Hind, Jai Gujarat and Jai Ho to NaMo.