Are Hindus Fools?

Follow me on Twitter: @kk_OEG

4th of July will be upon us in a matter of days. All political parties are out campaigning for your vote.  However, have Hindus (including Sikhs and Jains) ever asked what it is that they get back in return for their vote?

As British Hindus our duty is to this nation, therefore anything that impacts the nation impacts us.  It is imperative that before you cast that all important vote, that you consider the parties and what they stand for, and how their political position affects not just this nation, but you and your community.

Over the past two decades, at least, we have seen politicians play with race, colour and religion with total disregard for the welfare of this nation, or the very fabric of our society.

The Labour Party in particular, and in my genuine opinion, has come across as a party that is intent on:

  1. Undermining Hindus. They may well come to your Mandir for that photo opportunity, but once they leave, you are just a foolish voter who has been taken in by fake smiles.
  2. Undermining Hindus by the way in which Labour politicians have consistently supported Pakistan and POJK extremists.
  3. Undermining Hindus and India with their anti-Modi rhetoric that has echoed since 2010 onwards. Remember the call for a visa ban on PM Modi!
  4. Undermining Hindus in Leicester when Islamists attacked Hindus and our Mandirs. Their politicians sided with the Islamist attackers and appeared to deflect attention on Hindus as being responsible.
  5. Undermining Hindus by appointing Labour MPs to their front bench who have openly supported Islamist and Khalistani sentiments. Some Labour politicians have even joined marches of Islamists, Khalistanis and extremists that went past the Indian High Commission.

The list is much longer, and I am certain many of you will be able to add to it.  The point I am bringing to your attention is quite a simple one, ‘are you a Hindu fool’? Surely only a Hindu fool would vote for a party that has been so anti-India and anti-Hindu. 

Remember the madness of Leicester. The then Labour MP Claudia Webbe championed the extremists whilst undermining Hindus and India. Also remember she was convicted in October 2021 and Labour finally got rid of her in November 2021. She is now standing in Leicester to seek your vote again.  Think about it folks, who in their right mind is going to vote for such a person? As a Hindu, are you a fool who would vote for her?

In Leicester again, instead of choosing a local person, Labour have flown in Rajesh Agrawal from London. Is this a Labour ploy to secure the Hindu vote?  Why don’t you ask Rajesh his (and that of his party’s) position on Jammu and Kashmir, on Khalistani extremists, on Islamist attacks on Hindus in Leicester (and across the country), and on Labour politicians marching with extremists against the Indian High Commission. Ask him why Labour got rid of long serving Hindu councillors in Leicester?

Are you a Hindu fool and have fallen for this scam to secure the Hindu vote?

This week we heard that even Keith Vaz has thrown his hat into the mix.  Why?  I will leave you to determine his motivation. I should not be too surprised if Keith does his customary trick of bringing in a Bollywood star to hoodwink Indians.  Will you be hoodwinked, again?

Not forgetting that in addition we now have Muslim candidates standing as independents fighting more for Gaza.

Leicester represents a political Khichadi. The only question that makes any sense is, as a Hindu who are you going to vote for?

Well, how about Shivani Raja (Conservative Party).  This young lady who is from Leicester itself deserves your vote.  In fact, the Conservative Party deserve your vote.

Remember, only the Conservatives have had three women Prime Ministers. The Labour Party have not even got round to electing a woman as their leader!

Only the Conservative Party made it possible for a person of colour to become their leader, and now also the Prime Minister of this nation.  What has the Labour Party done?  They undermined their longest serving black MP, Diane Abbott.

Is the Conservative Party the best thing since sliced bread for Hindus. Of course not.  In fact, there are no parties that can truly express the sentiments of the Hindu community. So looking for the impossible is a foolish endeavour.

However, the Conservatives have shown over the past two decades that they are beginning to understand the difference between the various South Asian groups.  They now understand the huge difference between Islamic society and Hindu society.  They now understand that Hindu dharmic principles and values are more aligned to British values, and it is this as well as the character of Hindus that makes them such good law-abiding citizens who contribute massively to the nation.

They may not get everything right all the time. But when it came to the big issues, they sided with Hindus and India.  Just as they have sided with Israel and the Jewish community. Do you remember PM Cameron at Wembley Stadium with PM Modi (Labour politicians were missing! Many of them protesting that PM Modi was in town!).

Did you know that more than 50 Labour politicians recently wrote to Keir Starmer and demanded that as soon as Labour are in power, they should issue a special visa for the residents of Gaza to come to the UK.  Yes, you read that correctly. There will be wholesale import of Hamas terrorists into the UK. Are you a Hindu fool who will vote for such madness?

There is a very clear message for every Indian, Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Jain (and every true Brit also) in the UK. On 4th July 2024 you hold the very destiny of this wonderful nation in your hands. This election is all about saving the nation from the extremists, the woke agents, the Extension Rebellion appeasers, the appeasers of Islamists, the madness of BLM and countless other lunatic elements on the left and ultra-left in British politics.

If Labour win, get ready for a front bench that is comprised of the Rt Hon Member for Gaza, the Rt Hon Member for Pakistan, the Rt Member for Higher Taxes and the Rt Hon Member for Illegals.

If you vote Labour don’t be too surprised if public disorder becomes the norm on our streets. Every lunatic extremist group will take to our High Streets with their brand of madness. When you put in power those who take the knee to appease, don’t complain when anarchy is unleased on our streets.

And don’t too be surprised if antisemitism and anti-Hindu hatred increases exponentially. The Labour Party are well versed in the madness of racism. Ask your Labour candidate, do they endorse the ‘Islamophobia Definition’ that Labour may well bring into legislation? If they do, then it’s Sharia through the front door with Keir Starmer with a welcoming smile no doubt.

The ONLY way to save this nation from such madness is to vote for the Conservative Party.

And just in case you are wondering, NO, I am not a member of any political party. That’s why I can say what I want without fear or favour. I won’t get any honours, or a brown envelope, or a peerage for services rendered.


It seems my prediction that Keith Vaz would bring a Bollywood celeb to his campaign has been proved correct. Shilpa Shetty turned to say hello!

5 thoughts on “Are Hindus Fools?

  1. you have raised interesting points. i never knew you had duch problems. i live in Malawi.

  2. Unfortunately the Hindu diaspora are a laid back and complacent bunch. They refuse to participate in politics and keep their views and opinions to themselves due of fear of being targeted.

    Hindus need to unite if they are going to survive the Islamic onslaught which is being planned on all non believers in their eyes.

  3. All Hindus should come out of the mindset of ‘Rastrvad and Jativad’ and unite as one . We all have to come out of the imperialistic thinking imposed on us for hundreds of years.We may all speak different dialects, eat different foods, dress differently but we all evolve form SANATAN DHARMA and we are all the same children of Hindustan. I plead you all to unite as one and think as one

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