The Indic Vote – GE 2024

Follow me on Twitter: @kk_OEG

Indic vote means Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. The graphic below gives an idea of some of the areas where the Indic community do have a sizeable vote. In some cases, they alone can determine who will win or lose.

The biggest problem the Indic community has falls into a few categories:

  1. They don’t get out to vote.  We barely cross 25% whereas with other communities this increases to some 65+% voting. This time I suspect the other communities might cross the 75% high watermark.
  2. They split their vote based on their ego or in getting a pat on the back from some politician. Or on some deluded sense of loyalty to a party that holds them in contempt.
  3. They ignore the anti-India, the anti-Hindu hatred, and the anti-Indic sentiments expressed by politicians from certain parties. In my view, the Labour Party has shamed itself in how it turned a blind eye to antisemitism. It’s doing the same to anti-Hindu hatred. Are you foolish to ignore this when it comes to voting?

This means that not only do we not go out to vote, but when we do, we do so in a foolish way. The Indic community has now become famous for cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face.  Let me give you an example, Gareth Thomas from Harrow West created the APPG Gujarati against the wishes of the vast majority of the Indian community. This is the Labour way, to divide a community.  By so doing, their overall aim is NOT to look after the interest of the community, but to ensure that their grip on power and on Indian voters remains firm. I pointed it out to him and other Labour politicians that if today you have one for Gujaratis, very soon people from other states will want their own APPG.  This utter madness was promoted by Labour Gareth Thomas and some very foolish people from our own community.

Look at the list again.  Do you live in any of those areas?  If so, find out who your local Conservative candidate is and then make sure you vote for them.  Send your WhatsApp / X Post / Facebook / messages to encourage all family and friends to do the same.

The conservative party has put up a lot of candidates from our community. The graphic below shows you names of Indic candidates that will be contesting these elections representing the Conservative Party. Are they in your area?  If so, make a note of their name and make sure you stand by them on 4th July.

The conservatives are fielding almost 30 candidates from our communities.  In addition, they have candidates from the Muslim community and of course the Afro-Caribbean community, and others.  I should not be too surprised if we find out that more than 60 candidates are from the BAME communities.

This represents a massive step change in how the Conservatives now do business with all legal migrants. Be they first generation, or those who are born in the UK.

The Conservative Party will NOT support or appease illegal migrants.  For that you’ll have to go to one of the other parties.

Let me also share another statistic with you. On 5th July don’t be too surprised if there are more than 50 Muslim MPs elected.  The Muslim community has to be commended for their singlemindedness in how over the past 3 decades they have systematically ensured that their voice is not only heard, but it overpowers that of others.

2 thoughts on “The Indic Vote – GE 2024

  1. Hi Kapil, excellent work, let us hope the Hindu community has woken up to the fact of how rife have been the anti-semitic and pro-Islamic tendencies within the Labour Party and how dignified and free of prejudice has been the Conservative Party in this respect.

    Keep up the good work!

    Just a footnote: Suella Braverman and may be a few other names are likely to hold Christian beliefs, that is of course not to say they may not hold pro-Hindu views.

    Best Regards

    Pradeep Popat

  2. where do parties stand on imp issues which no one talking about in their manifesto. Doesnt matter who you vote for nothing has changed and nothing will. We are being driven down a totalitarian state


    who wef un eu


    All the above are important issues that will affect us. Instead we are being asked to vote on the uniparty selection process and hand over our autjority to some controlled candidate who is not accountable tobthe people

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